Easy Name

Welcome Easy Name as a Small Business Level Sponsor!

More about Our Sponsor:

Easy Name provides web domains, website hosting and design and related services.

A wide range of more than 300 domain extensions (all available for registration in real time!) is available: In addition, we offer:

  • A highly functional and user-friendly domain and hosting control panel available round the clock
  • Simple payment facilities as by credit card, PayPal, DIRECTebanking, direct debit or bank transfer
  • High-availability computer centers
  • Data center & server
    All easyname server systems operate redundantly and are run exclusively with HP High-End Hardware of the Proliant DL380 Series. The data centers are located in the EU at 2 locations and connected via fiberglass.
  • The internet connection is carried over 10 gigabit uplinks through the following carriers: GlobalCrossings, LambdaNet, Eurorings, Abovenet and Cogentgo. Direkt connection to the DE-CIX (Deutscher Dommercial Internet Exchange and the Vienna Internet Exchanges VIX1 and VIX2 are also available.”

Thank you to the team at Easy Name. We couldn’t do this without you.